Further Faster exists to help leaders create churches that reach unchurched people.
The Forge is a founding member of the Further Faster Network. A network that exists to help leaders create churches that reach unchurched people.
The Further Faster Network is a registered charity overseen by a board of amazing trustees who are Network Church Pastors themselves: Jim Gallagher (Chair) / Rev Leon Evans / Rev Chris Porter / Steve Fenning / Rev Chris Simpkins / Jamie Cocoran / Lane Jones.
Why the name Further Faster?
Wouldn’t you love to lead a church that is more concerned about who you are reaching than who you are keeping? A church whose primary concern wasn’t about the already connected but the disconnected? A church that goes after the 1 lost sheep as a priority over the 99 already found? Welcome to a network of churches around Ireland and the UK who can give you all the tools you need to create that kind of church in your community. We want to help you go further than you’ve ever gone before in growing your church by reaching lost people. And nobody wants to wait 20 years to see this growth happen. We want to go further and we want to move faster. There is an urgency to this. Life is fragile. You have never set eyes on someone who isn’t in desperate need of the hope of God in their lives. So let’s go further, faster.
Is the Further Faster Network a denomination?
Simple answer. No. We are made up of churches from many denominations. Baptists… Pentecostals… Free evangelical… We are a network not a denomination. A network of like-minded leaders working together to create churches that unchurched people love in every community.
What’s the link with North Point Community Church?
We have partnered with North Point Ministries because North Point Community Church is where it all began for each of our churches. Each church in the network can trace their growth back to when they first began to adopt some of the North Point ideas. Their conferences like “Drive” and “Re:Group” have inspired our churches to go further, faster. Books like Deep & Wide, written by Andy Stanley, have shaped and informed the way we do church. We haven’t necessarily tried to replicate their services (they are huge and very expensive) but we have all aligned ourselves around their underlying principles. Things like: creating irresistible Sunday environments and presentations; assuming unchurched people are in the room each week; making great kids work a priority; investing in gaining and retaining volunteers; developing leaders intentionally; and growing someone spiritually requires you to connect them relationally.