Everyone loves a good story; funny ones or sad ones, long ones or short ones. Hosts use them to entertain guests at a dinner party, a funny story to lighten the mood; parents find one to comfort a hurt child with a story; friends deploy them to counsel a desperate neighbour with a story from their own life experience.
Over 2000 years ago Jesus told stories that we are still telling today. Whether you grew up in the church or not – chances are you’ve heard either parts of these stories, renditions of these stories or maybe you know them by heart.
These stories are more than just ancient anecdotes or religious truisms for the people of Jesus day. They were actually windows into some of life’s biggest mysteries about God. Though these stories were told long ago, they are uncannily relevant and applicable to our lives today. So get yourself comfortable and let’s begin…
STORY ONE – The Lost Sheep / April 28th
STORY TWO – The Wine Skins / May 05th
STORY THREE – The Mustard Seed / May 12th
STORY FOUR – The Midnight Visitor / May 19th
STORY FIVE – The Great Banquet / May 26th
STORY SIX – The Two Sons / June 02nd
STORY SEVEN – The Prodigal Son / June 16th