Tot Street is created for and focussed entirely on the smallest (and some would say cutest!) people in our church; our new born babies, up to our 3 year olds. They are a very important part of ForgeKids and so each week we prepare an environment especially for them. As they get older they will move up to ‘Little Village’ (3-5 year olds) before moving on to ‘Uptown Kids’ (school years 1-5). When your child moves to school year 6 they will join our Youth Programme and attend ‘Transit’.
As you arrive at Debenham Sports and Leisure Centre you’ll see our Forge Kids red banners directing you to our Kids environments. Our wonderful Welcome Team will greet you and direct you to our ‘Sign In’ desk. If you’re visiting us for the first time we’ll take some details from you to ensure your children are safe and have the best possible experience with us.
From the Sign In desk you’ll be directed to the wonderful world of Tot Street! In a safe and secure environment your child will be greeted by our volunteer team. You are of course welcome to stay to settle your child.
During the hour in Tot Street your child will have opportunity to play with a vast array of toys and games, suited to young babies and confident toddlers, all the time supervised and entertained by our Tot Street team. If appropriate, they will enjoy a biscuit part way through the session and will join ‘Olly’ to hear a story from the bible. This digital content is the same as our ‘Little Village’ children will be learning from and is great for transition later on.
Tot Street is church and therefore, a place where we want you and your child to feel safe, known and valued. It’s your child’s introduction to our church family and so we want to make it the best experience it can be. We want to reiterate the message that Olly so often conveys as he shares the Bible Story; that each child is known and loved by Jesus and that he wants to be their friend forever.
We look forward to welcoming all children and consider it a privilege to spend the hour having fun with them and sowing the first seeds of faith in their young lives, which we love to see grow and flourish as they learn and develop throughout their time with ForgeKids.